ASANOHA is a Biochemical Technical Laboratory specialized in the extraction, distillation and formulation of highest quality hemp products.

WE CAN HELPOur Services

As certified BIO company our main business of course are BIO products but naturally for special needs we also can supply you with NON BIO products.


from oils to extracts
CBD Hemp oil, Hand holding droplet of Cannabis oil against Marijuana plant. Alternative Medicine
from oils to isolates
also Contract Extraction
also Contract Extraction

ABOUT USPartner of the Industry, Wholesale, and Retail.

We have over 10 years of experience and started to work with hemp in a time where others even did not see the potential of this outstanding plant.

We are fully licensed by the government and therefore can offer a wide range of products and services.

ABOUT USPartner of the Industry, Wholesale, and Retail.

We have over 10 years of experience and started to work with hemp in a time where others even did not see the potential of this outstanding plant.

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Hemp, also known as ‘industrial hemp’, is a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis Sativa which is usually found in the northern hemisphere. Nobody knows how and where it was originated but historical records trace its origins to the Himalayan region in Asia.

There are various varieties of the cannabis plant—cannabis Sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis.

What is Hemp?

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Hemp oil (also called hemp seed oil) is harvested by cold-pressing the hemp seeds. Although it comes from the cannabis plant, it usually contains only a trace of THC, the psychoactive, intoxicating element in cannabis.

It is a natural source of important nutrients including polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 and proteins. It promises a lot of health benefits:

Hemp Benefits

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CBD oil is usually used for medicinal purposes as it works through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is responsible for keeping the body in a state of balance by impacting hormone production, mood, sleep, pain, appetite, and immune response.

CBD also helps to stimulate the body’s natural cannabinoid production to maintain the efficiency of the receptors and the optimal function of the endocannabinoid system.


Would you like to find out more information about any of our services and products?

Would you like to find out more?

Lobgrundstrasse 3
1220 WIEN
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
+43676 323 6790